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SE Alley

Jun 26th
18:30 - 21:30
SE Alley

Sparks fly when worlds intersect, on the boundaries and fringes of different worldviews where entrepreneurial spirits and innovative solutions are found. These unconventional sources may provide the “fresh eyes” you need. When networking does as networking should, it will bring you out of the constraints of your industry into that space to meet, socialise and discover a new way of thinking about your business or your craft.

Let’s face it though, that can be a ghastly prospect and the last thing you want to do on a summer evening with too much cheap white wine. We know networking events generally are a good idea, however sometimes they may appear as intimidating or not as useful as we would like them to be. Even the most confident, suave and charming folk among us can be brought to their edge by the weird reality that is networking. We’ve been there, we’ve done those events and we don’t want to waste your time. Networking can be hugely useful and great from both a social and business perspective so we do our events differently.


Who are we?

SE Alley, founded by Jason Mollring, is a travelling social for anyone passionate about Social Enterprise and this month hosted by Impact Hub King’s Cross in partnership with Makesense, ClearlySo, Petronella Tyson and the Goodgym. We all have eclectic networks that we love to help connect. Join us for a couple of hours of good conversation and good connections.


Join the social impact and enterprise community for an evening of fun connections and in a social setting.


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