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Open House London

Sep 19th
10:00 - 17:00

Open House London 2015 – Saturday 19th September

Open House London, created and delivered by the independent non-profit organisation Open-City, is the capital’s largest annual festival of architecture and design. Now in its  23rd year, it is a city-wide celebration of the buildings, places and neighbourhoods where we live and work.

By providing free and open access to 250,000 across 30 boroughs to more than 800 outstanding examples of historic and contemporary buildings, on-site projects and public spaces, it remains the most powerful medium for engaging everyone in a better appreciation of their city.

The Open House London event is fully inclusive and admission is free for all Open House London events each September. You will need to find out which buildings are opening / walks and talks planned in order to plan your visits. View the online programme.

Please check here for always up-to-date information.

Please note that Impact Hub King’s Cross will be open to the pubic on Saturday the 19th of September only.

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