Zurich Meets London
In London and Zürich, new and thriving urban economies are all about the buzz of “innovation” and “collaboration”.
Innovation is the future, and the future goes to work in places like Impact Hub Zurich and Impact Hub King’s Cross. These are decidedly urban and trendy co-working spaces for independent entrepreneurs, innovators, and freelancers who prefer project-based assignments and are available to collaborate across the globe at any time. Taking on the big issues in our world and generating impact, these trendsetters are the pioneers who will make the future work. A bold statement, but what does everyday reality look like for these impact entrepreneurs and their projects in this buzzword economy? Join a thought-provoking evening of revelations and confessions. The aim is to unmask entrepreneurial futurism. How dare we! Well, because we care about the future of work. And we invite you to have a share in that business.
Impact Hub Zürich is collaborating with transdisciplinary anarchistic arts collective Neue Dringlichkeit to bring you HOW DARE YOU?, an evening of looking into life behind the buzzwords of the new urban economies. An interactive installation at Impact Hub Kings Cross will subversively interweave confessions, passions, taboos, visions, frustrations and hopes of the brave new future workers.
Christopher Kriese, Neue Dringlichkeit
Miriam Walther Kohn, Neue Dringlichkeit
Björn Müller, Universität St. Gallen, Impact Hub
Johanna Muther, Impact Hub
Marisa Koenig Beatty, Impact Hub
Stephanie Feeney, Performance & Communication Managerin London
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