Doc:Supper presents: HALF WAY
Impact Hub King’s Cross is hosting Doc:Supper, a media project created to bring communities together around meaningful documentary screenings, debates and food. They connect filmmakers, storytellers and field experts with community venues to stimulate social change and greater empathy.
The documentary
The documentary we will watch is HALF WAY which chronicles the experience of a homeless family living half way between homes. Told through the eyes of Daisy, as daughter and filmmaker, HALF WAY offers exclusive access into one of the many ordinary families in Britain who have lost their home at the grip of a national housing crisis. This film documents a rare opportunity where the line between filmmaker and subject is blurred; an extraordinary story of courage and determination, a story of family bonds which is both heartbreaking and life affirming, combining moments of tremendous tenderness and grit with hilarious and unexpected humour. all at once we witness the joyful and hilarious moments of everyday family life, up against its inevitable struggles too.
Throughout their experience, the Hudson family displayed determination, ability and endurance, challenging common misconceptions of homeless people and those on benefits in the UK. When asked if Daisy could finish the film before being re-homed, the answer was simple: ‘to finish the film without a home would leave the family just homeless’, the film gave them a purpose. Gradually, as the family navigated the emotional and physical upheaval of continuous relocation, it became increasingly unclear whether events were pushing the film, or the film was shaping events.
HALF WAY has, in this sense, become an exposé of the uncertainty and desperation of those who suffer through circumstances beyond their control.
What began as a therapeutic process, a provision for progression during a disempowering situation, became a mission to complete a film. HALF WAY has transformed into a critique of the British social welfare system, of its housing crisis and the facelessness of ineffective power from the viewpoint of a family living through it.
Watch Trailer here:
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