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Want to be a Certified B Corp?

May 30th - Jul 25th
9:30 - 12:30

In 2017, a responsible business is a good business.

Increasingly, people are demanding more sustainable products and services. They genuinely care about supply chains and the ethics of the business that they are buying from.

In short, they want to buy from responsible and caring suppliers. That’s where being a Certified B Corp comes in.


Join a growing movement of companies demonstrating how they are using business as a force for good in the world.


To become one, you have to go through the B Impact Assessment.

The B Impact Assessment is a rigorous assessment that measures a business’s performance across five key impact areas:

#1. Governance

The systems and processes your business has. This is what drives the overall direction, effectiveness, and accountability of what you do, how open and accountable you are, the businesses overall integrity, and what you’re delivering in relation to your company’s purpose.

#2. Workers

How you treat your workers. Are they all fairly paid and working within fair and safe conditions? Do you have a diverse group of people working with you, engaged and committed to the company’s purpose?

#3. Community

How you are impacting your local community. For example, do you impact any underserved communities? Are your team allowed time off for community service/ volunteer work? Do you involve the local community in your work at all?

#4. Environment

How your business impacts the environment. Who do you share your environmental impact reviews with? Do you use renewable energy? What are you doing to monitor and record your company’s waste?

#5. Customers

The positive outcome that you create for your customers. Do your products or services increase the economic opportunities for underserved groups? Or do they help people to lead healthier better lives? How much money did you make in your last financial year directly from your positive impact products/ services?


Don’t get stuck trying to do it on your own. Join a group of fellow aspiring certified B Corp’s for a series of dedicated workshops AND support calls to help you pass the assessment the first time you do it, without stress.

Still unsure if it’s for you or not? Why not join in with a free intro session on the 19th April, ask questions and figure out if it’s for you. (More info here.)

Starting Tuesday 16th May, 9:30-12:30 and ending 11th July 2017, B Leaders Adam Garfunkel & Shayla Meyer will be offering their support right here at the Hub all to help you become a certified responsible business.


Spaces are limited:

book here


*For FAQ’S click here.

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