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60MM: Bitcoin – Beyond Speculation

Jan 21st
12:00 - 13:00

Bitcoin has been in the news a lot lately: its meteoric rise in value, its price volatility, folks who found a stash they’d forgotten about or who lost their hard drive now worth millions, their use to buy illegal goods; the list goes on.

This week’s 60 Minute Menu, presented by new Impact Hub King’s Cross member, Siân Jones, aims to dispel some of the myths surrounding Bitcoin and explain what cryptocurrencies are, their social impact in the developed and developing world, and their benefits to charities and non-profits. After a brief overview, Siân will talk about Bitcoin as a extremely low-cost, frictionless, instant payments system and focus on its potential impact on the unbanked and under-banked, micropayments and donations.

This will be a non-technical presentation about what has the power to be one of the most disruptive technologies since the Internet, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions.

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