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Feeding the City Programme Finale

Nov 26th
17:30 - 19:45
Feeding the City Programme Finale

Join us in celebrating the achievement of 8 impactful food enterprises on Impact Hub King’s Cross’ Feeding the City Start Up programme.

As COVID-19 wreaked havoc in our kitchens, shops and further along the supply chain, many became aware of the fragilities and inequalities in our food system. But underneath the chaos of the pandemic, a seed of change has been waiting for the right conditions to sprout. We have been given the opportunity to rebuild a food system that is more responsible, sustainable and equitable.

Over the course of a year, we’ve been supporting 8 inspiring social enterprises who are motivated to do just that.

Starting a business is never easy, and this year posed additional challenges. These 8 ventures have shown a phenomenal amount of resilience, hard work and adaptability in face of the obstacles.

Help celebrate our 2020 cohort as they pitch their early-stage businesses for feedback to a panel of social enterprise and food sector experts. Following the pitches, we’ll invite you to share your own ideas and connect with the business founders in smaller networking groups.

5.30 pm – Introduction and Overview of Feeding the City Programme

5.45 pm – Pitches and feedback from Jury Panel and the audience!

7.10 pm – Organised networking session- connect and share ideas with the Founders and other attendees

7.30 pm – Announcement of category winners

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