Finance Fair
Are you seeking financing for your social enterprise? Would you like to meet with potential funders and get to know whether you are a good fit for one another?
The Impact Hub Kings Cross Funding Fair is the perfect opportunity to do that. We will have 10 finance providers from high street banking, crowdfunding, angel investment and social loan funding, including Clearly So, NatWest Bank, CrowdCube, MustardSeed and Social and Sustainable Capital (check back for further names as we get closer to the event).
What will happen?
In advance of the event we will work with you to prepare a short summary of your business and investment needs that you can easily share with funders. This sheet will also help us to match you with the most suitable funders on the night.
On 6th October, there will be three group sessions where, together with other entrepreneurs, you will be able to ask questions of the finance providers. You can visit one, two or three providers for 20 minutes each. We will match you in advance to those we think are best suited to your business. Each funder gives a two minute introduction to the group, outlining the kinds of businesses they work with and the terms of the deals they make or facilitate. The remaining time is for the entrepreneurs to ask questions.
After the group session, entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to engage with the funders in a ten minute individual conversation where they will provide you with more in-depth feedback. Between appointments, or towards the end of the event, you can grab a drink and network with fellow entrepreneurs and funders, too.
Please arrive at the Finance Fair promptly as we have a packed schedule.
What to do if you want to attend
1. Sign up for a free ticket here in Eventbrite.
NB. We are also running an Investment Readiness training in advance of the Finance Fair. Please indicate on the form if you would be interested in attending this in preparation for the Finance Fair.
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