Food Talks
Food Talks
Meat matters
The fourth event in our Food Talks series – brought to you by Impact Hub King’s Cross in partnership with the Food Ethics Council, Organico and Think.Eat.Drink – is entitled “Meat matters”. It takes place on 10th December (6.30-9pm) at the Impact Hub King’s Cross. The event features leading speakers, Philip Lymbery (Chief Executive of Compassion in World Farming and co-author of ‘Farmageddon: The true cost of cheap meat’) and Dr Tara Garnett (Founder of the Food Climate Research Network and winner of the 2015 Premio Daniel Carasso global food prize). The discussion will be chaired by Dan Crossley, Executive Director of the Food Ethics Council.
Meat plays an important cultural and economic role in the UK (and worldwide) and many people depend on livestock farming and meat production for their livelihoods. However, livestock products account for about 14.5% of global greenhouse emissions, the industry is a major source of water pollution and uses 70% of agricultural land globally. High levels of meat consumption have been linked with chronic health issues, whilst animal welfare issues remain vitally important. Demand for meat in the UK remains high, while demand for meat has quadrupled in China in the past 30 years. From a whole host of perspectives, ‘meat matters’ and it raises lots of fundamental questions. Is it fair for those in the Western world to be using up land in the developing world to feed their meat habit? Is all meat equal or is some meat better than others? How is the health and welfare of livestock considered? Should we stop eating meat altogether, adopt a ‘less and better’ meat eating approach or carry on eating meat-centred diets?
Our two expert speakers will present, followed by a Q&A session, then a delicious and free plant based feast from award-winning chef and nutritionist Daphne Lambert (buffet meal is kindly sponsored by Organico and T.E.D). The idea of our Food Talks series is to stimulate debate and constructive thinking about the issues that surround the world of food. Please join us!
Event password: foodtalks
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