Food Talks: Grow, Eat, Shop, Save: Empower people for a better food system
#FOODTALKS: Urban Food Fortnight Special – Grow, Eat, Shop, Save: How do we empower people to create a better food system
We know that education is important but how do we go beyond traditional learning to empower people outside of the classroom to create a better food system. Those changing the food system are using active and engaging tools to educate for sustainability and this Urban Food Fortnight special #FoodTalks will explore the themes of Grow, Eat, Shop, Save to share ideas on how we can empower food citizens to act and mobilise for a better food system.
We’ll hear from Urban Farmer, Alice Holden, about how we reconnect through farming in urban areas, and the success of the Growing Communities Dagenham Farm. Flavour School will share the role of sensory education and eating habits giving people a chance to test out one of their practical activities. Natasha Soares who is leading the new Better Food Traders network will share her findings on the power of transforming shopping habits, and the new network that is tapping into the power of radical retail. Finally Dan Woolley from Feedback will share inspiration and ideas on how we challenge food waste and have some fun in the process.
#FoodTalks is brought to you by a partnership of the Food Ethics Council, Impact Hub Kings Cross, Organico, and London Food Link, part of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming. Each of our #FoodTalks events, alongside expert speakers, has the chance to participate in the discussion, and be able to eat some delicious buffet food.
There will be a small charge of £5 to contribute towards the cost of the evening. If that cost is likely to be prohibitive to you attending, please e-mail Avrilia at [email protected] to ask for a free bursary place. Join us on Thursday 26th September (6.30-8.45pm) at Impact Hub Kings Cross. Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date.
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