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Impact Hub Club @ Impact Hub Westminster

Nov 27th
18:30 - 20:30
Impact Hub Westminster

The next Impact Hub Club will take place at Impact Hub Westminster on Thursday 27th November 2014, 6:30pm – 9:00pm.


Theme this month is GET CONNECTED, where Impact Hub members will share their stories of successful connections they’ve made over their startup journey.

This month we are celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week! Following on from our highly successful ‘Startup Stories’ themed Impact Hub Club, attended by over 50 people, this month we will focus on the importance of making the right connections when starting and growing your business.

The event will be hosted at Impact Hub Westminster, who have opened applications for the December and January Impact Investment Readiness programme.

Come along to Impact Hub Club this month to hear from speakers from the Impact Hub community and get a taste of shared learning within our supportive network.


What is the Impact Hub Club and how does it work?

It’s purpose is to create a closer network between members of all London Impact Hubs and their friends by sharing projects, ideas, hobbies or interests. The evening travels from one Impact Hub to another every last Thursday of the month (usually!). Every event will have members speaking on a variety of topics using different formats.

The event will be very informal therefore feel free to bring along treats to share.

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