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King’s Cross Policy Hub

Jul 6th
13:00 - 14:00

Wednesday 6th July, 1-2pm, Board Room, King’s Cross Hub – please bring your lunch

Looking through the King’s Cross Hub Directory, there are many of you who are working on public policy issues both in the UK and around the world.

Three of our members had a brief conversation at a recent Hub Lunch which showed just how useful it was to be able to swap experiences and knowledge across different policy areas, as well as countries.

We have therefore set up an informal lunchtime meeting on Wednesday 6th July for everyone involved in policy to meet each other, and find out what we are all doing. It will also be an opportunity to think about how to best collaborate and share knowledge and skills going forward.

Whilst this meeting was set up before the Referendum, its timing also provides an opportunity to share thoughts about policy futures.

Please come along with your thoughts and practical ideas for a Policy Hub.

If you can’t make it, but would like to let us know about any ideas you might have, and/or to be kept informed about any future plans, please email to [email protected]

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