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Munch and Matter: No Poverty

Apr 25th
12:30 - 13:30
Impact Hub King's Cross

“The world is a millipede that inches forward on millions of real conversations,” Arundhati Roy, novelist and social activist

Through conversation we change our way of seeing the world, whether inch by inch or in great leaps. But in our busy lives we rarely get time to just stop and talk about big issues outside our own work. Munch and Matter at Impact Hub King’s Cross is a dedicated time and safe space to do just that. To come together with other curious people to explore, unpack, debrief, share insight, and create meaning.

This month’s topic is Sustainable Development Goal #1: No Poverty.

Why does this goal matter? What might achieving this goal look like?What, if any, are the contradictions within the goal? How does this interact with other SDGs? And what does it call on us to do, change, think or speak?

These are just some of the questions we could explore together at this month’s Munch and Matter. So take some time out from your day and join us in this collective exploration.

Don’t forget to bring your lunch along, as well as your lovely enquiring minds.

Facilitated by Hubber, Susannah Raffe, the conversation will run for just over an hour, but we invite you to linger for longer if you have the time.

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