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SenseDrink by MakeSense

Nov 21st
18:30 - 21:00
Are you passionate about Social Entrepreneurship? Do you want to have an impact by helping great London based social entrepreneurs? 
Join the Make Sense and the Impact Hub Community at Impact Hub King’s Cross in London.
Here you have the agenda of the night :
19.00 – 19.05 : Introduction of MakeSense
19:05 – 19:30 : 5 Social Entrepreneurs present their challenges – Format > Pecha Kucha (3 mins pitch max)
19.30 – 19.35 : Call to action – Discover how to help social entrepreneurs to solve their challenges
19:30 : Networking time – have a drink and meet all the other members
** What is a Pecha Kucha – http://www.pechakucha.org/faq **
Are you a social entrepreneur facing challenges? 
The Sense Drink @ Impact Hub Kings Cross is the right now for you! Submit your challenge and your presentation to [email protected] using these guidelines and we will come back to you.

Eligibility Criteria : 

Your project :
– has a clear social/environmental impact embedded in the business model
– has at least 8 months of life
– has a financially sustainable business model
You :
– are happy to share your project with the crowd during the event
– are happy to share your challenge with the MakeSense Online community


What is Make Sense?

MakeSense is an open project built by a community of people passionate about Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation and the web.

At Make Sense we connect Social Entrepreneurs with individuals ready to take up their challenges.
We organize hold-ups. A hold-up is a creative problem solving workshop to solve specific challenges of social entrepreneurs.
To know more about Make Sense visit www.makesense.org.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

MakeSense UK

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