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How to Finance Your Startup

Aug 26th
18:00 - 19:30

Choose the right finance model

What types of finance models are there for you to consider?
How do these impact your governance model?
Senior Associate at FieldFisherWaterhouse, John Brunnings and Chartered Accountant Phil King will take you through the various options for you to consider when planning the financials.
John and Phil will also be joined by Thomas Sweetman from Stickyboard who recently raised over 100% investment via Crowdcube, an equity based crowdfunding platform.
About the hosts
John is a Senior Associate is a technology and intellectual property specialist at Field Fisher Waterhouse.
Phil is an Interim finance director, advisor and non-executive director to a portfolio of early-stage social businesses including People Tree, Ubuntu and Epona.
Thomas Sweetman is co-founder of Stickyboard, a social enterprise that develops affordable websites and online village noticeboards.

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