The Future of Biodiversity Conservation
The Future of Biodiversity Conservation
Sustainability Group Meetup 3
We invite you to share your views and experiences, and learn from other members involved in sustainability-related projects. We plan to hold regular meetings where we discuss topics chosen by the members.
Our third meeting will be focused on biodiversity and will be hosted by Hub member Simon Hodgkinson. Do come along if you’re interested in sustainability, either as a novice or an expert.
The event
We invite you to our next meeting to hear Smart Earth Network talk about the future of biodiversity conservation and environmental monitoring. Smart Earth Network believe that innovations in technology can change the way we protect wildlife and our planet. This radical future is already underway! Learn about how the internet of things, sensors and drones are already being deployed for conservation.
Simon will introduce this topic and the Smart Earth Network a new social enterprise with the aim to create a framework within which conservationists, technologists and entrepreneurs
can collaborate to develop solutions related to our efforts to protect the planet.
The speaker
Simon Hodgkinson spent 15 years in environmental consultancy and was a founder of Deloitte’s work in this area. He then founded and became a partner in Deloitte’s US West Coast Telecoms practice. He recently spent two years as lead consultant for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature launching a new global standard for measuring successful biodiversity conservation This experience made it clear to him that it will not be possible to start reverse the rapid decline in biodiversity unless and until we full exploit the potential of new technology to build the capacity to better monitor, evaluate and control the destruction of our biodiversity.
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