XMas Cozy Juicy Real!
The holidays may be a little different this year, but even though most of us aren’t breaking bread with friends and family across the dinner table, it doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate what it’s all about – catching up and connecting with good people – and that includes your wonderful Hub community.
Yes, we’re talking about COZY JUICY REAL – a game that’s been called “The antidote to small talk” – designed to bring YOU, your family and friends together for an awesome-sauce, shared holiday experience.
And with 2021 coming up so soon, we’ve added new questions to the game to get us all reflecting and refreshing for a (better) new year.
We think holidays are THE time to spend with family and friends, so we’re not even setting a ticket price. All donations at whatever level you choose will go to end loneliness and social isolation.
Choose your own adventure (you decide)…
- Select to play with Hubbers at check out and connect with your Hub community 🙂
- Join the event solo-style & meet new friends from around the world — OR —
- Bring up to 7 friends or family members to play with
Join us on Saturday, 12 Dec, 8:30pm. Please note this is a member-only event.
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