Impact Hub King’s Cross

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  3. Impact Hub King’s Cross
Events from this organizer

Video Production 4 Crowdfunders

Video Production 4 Crowdfunders Behind every successful Crowdfunding Campaign is a compelling video. But what makes a winning crowdfunding video? This event is for people who are thinking of starting a […]

Six degrees of Separation – Facilitated Networking

Social Enterprise Networking Evening Business in the Community’s arc programme and Impact Hub King’s Cross are joining forces to bring you a ‘Principle Six’ style networking event. The aim, quite simply, is […]

FuckUp Night X in association with Time Out

FuckUp Nights: Conversations about failures and other things LESSONS FROM ENTREPRENEURS WHO’VE FAILED AND SURVIVED FuckUp Nights is a global movement where stories of failed businesses and projects are told, questioned and celebrated!In each FuckUp Night 3 or 4 fuckupreneurs share their stories of failure including: What was their project? What did they do wrong? […]

Pre-Marketing Clinic

PRE-MARKETING CLINIC Are you clear on your target audience and how to get their attention? Do you want a feel-good, feel-right marketing strategy? Come to this clinic for recommendations on […]

Branding clinic

Are you uncertain if your brand is communicating the right messages to your target audience? The Impact Hub King’s Cross Branding clinic is designed to help social enterprises begin to […]

Happy Hour

We'll be running 'Happy Hour' the last Friday of every month from 5.30pm, a relaxed space for members to come after work to kick back with a drink on the team. If you're ready for the weekend and would like to come and make connections, this is the time to come down to the cafe […]

Afternoon Tea

We'll be running 'Afternoon Tea' every first Tuesday of the month. A comfortable space in the afternoon where members can come and chat with new members and old favourites. If […]

Doc:Supper presents: HALF WAY

Doc:Supper Impact Hub King's Cross is hosting Doc:Supper, a media project created to bring communities together around meaningful documentary screenings, debates and food. They connect filmmakers, storytellers and field experts with […]