My name is Linda Anna and I am the founder of Liv Foods. Liv means life in Swedish where I was born.

Liv Foods produce wild fermented vegetables that have an increased vitamin and mineral content compared to raw vegetable and contain live cultures which are good for your belly.

Packaged in compostable packaging, Liv Foods also aims to tackle social isolation by offering job opportunities for older people on low incomes.

I have a passion for learning how to take ownership of my own health and well-being, consuming whole foods and using natural methods to prepare, cook and preserve food.
I came across the benefits of fermented foods on my journey to improve my own health- mind, body and spirit, and I subsequently make and eat them daily.
Liv Foods came about because I wanted to share my understanding, knowledge and produce with others who are curious and also want to learn, improve and develop.



Rosemary’s struggle with dry, brittle hair came to a head during the first UK lockdown when she found herself balancing a hectic work schedule from home and the ever-dwindling capacity for her own haircare routines. After a 10-year banking and consulting career and with an engineering background, she made the jump into haircare and launched Lava Cap in 2020 due to a desire to create access to simple, convenient haircare solutions, share her knowledge to help others and use business as a vehicle for social good!

About Lava Cap

Lava Cap is a natural, microwavable deep conditioning cap that helps you achieve beautiful tresses that are less frizzy and prone to breakage by using gentle heat to help rehydrate hair. The award-winning London-based brand offers hot caps in vibrant colours for adults and children to help hair better absorb moisture & active ingredients from your favourite hair masks, deep conditioning & hot oil treatments, and are especially great for Afro and curly hair types.

As someone born and raised in Beijing, I found it quite difficult to find familiar flavours here. I believe that food is an excellent carrier of memories, and the tastes I cherish from the home-cooked restaurants in Hutongs, snacks made by century-old stores, and the big-pot dishes from canteens. The idea of opening ‘The Jing Kitchen’ came to mind to reproduce Beijing cuisines with authentic ingredients and recipes to create tasty memories again.

Art Inspire is based on Dave’s lived experience in finding solace in arts, saving his sanity and giving him autonomy. Art Inspire serves to help asylum seekers and refugees to help them with their mental health by making art. 

FuelEXTRA is more than just a sports marketing project – it’s a social impact incubator of Impact Hub London’s New Roots Programme, we dedicate to bridging the gap between under-represented fitness, sports, and wellness instructors and small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK. At FuelEXTRA, we aim to create sustainable income routes for fitness, sports, and wellness instructors while also providing SMEs with executable employee retention programs. We do this by facilitating access to SMEs for these instructors, allowing them to provide their expertise on employees’ fitness and wellness to businesses, impacting people with their growth story and building their personal careers.

Candice Ma is a passionate outdoor activist who has always been fascinated by the power of sports to bring people together and make a positive impact on society across different ethnic groups. Driven by her passion for sports and her empathy for professional athletes who live on sports with unsustainable income, Candice co-founded MIRARunners ( in 2017, a community project dedicated to connecting and nurturing sports lovers and underprivileged running coaches for social causes. Through MIRARunners, Candice has organized charity runs, sports clinics, and other events that promote physical health, social awareness, and community engagement, benefiting more than 200 local Kenyan marathon runners with resources from Asia.

Belinda is a Co-Founder and the Chief Executive Officer of ConsciousEats. With a strong background in environmental resource management, she currently works full-time as a corporate sustainability consultant. Belinda holds a BA in Geography from The University of Cambridge, and an MSc in Environmental Technology at Imperial College London. Passionate about food sustainability and a big foodie herself, Belinda strives to create Edtech solutions that engage the community in a collective effort to create a more sustainable food system.


About ConsciousEats

ConsciousEats is a mobile app on a mission to build a climate-conscious community of consumers in the city by directly connecting them to sustainable eateries and promoting sustainable dining choices. Consumers can filter listed restaurants creating environmental and social impact. They can then earn points for their conscious choices, which can be used to redeem various rewards and discounts. Restaurants listed on ConsciousEats undergo an audit based on our bespoke food sustainability framework.”

My partner, Rhimou, and I identified a need in ethnic minority communities, where a lack of education and exposure to new languages, leads them to feel excluded and isolated. Despite enrolling in adult learning classes, they often revert back to their mother tongue and fail to make progress and integrate into society. My partner and I have personally experienced this challenge and are committed to finding a solution. Through our experience volunteering with various organizations, we have learned the importance of food in bringing communities together. We plan to open a kitchen where our volunteers can communicate in English by writing recipes and discussing their dishes. We believe that this approach will be successful in helping these people feel integrated into society.

Falilat Omodudu is a materials designer with a mission to improve London air quality. Committed to delivering circular products Falilat has developed recyclable modular tiles that absorb pollutants from the air.