I am a self-taught pandemic quilter and passionate scraps collector with over 25 years working in Hackney Community Development & Engagement within education, families and community support services, as well as a trained Adult & Family learning facilitator. Each One, Teach One is a community scrap & quilting studio. In Hackney, most people on low income have limited access to quality upcycling and creative art such as quilting; while also most likely to face fuel poverty and poor housing conditions. We aim to honour the roots of quilting, which include well-being, community, creativity and upcycling, by supporting people to use problem-solving skills through providing a free, safe, intergenerational studio space where we can learn, train, create, give and sell beautiful & useful quilts. This in turn helps to reduce waste & improve the circularity of resources through collecting scraps, off-cuts, deadstock and donations from local businesses (fashion production), communities and partnerships.