We’re excited to let you know we are one of the 15 Impact Hubs (along with Belgrade, Berlin, Brno, Bucharest, Geneva, Kuala Lumpur, Munich, Ostrava, Prague, Rotterdam, Sao Paulo, Stockholm, Vienna or Zurich) across the globe who will be piloting an upgrade of the Impact Hub Membership experience starting late September 2015. This blog will give you a bit of background about the project and of course explain the new opportunities for you as Hubber.
From our annual member survey we know that you are actually very happy with your local Impact Hub member experience (though it can be improved, naturally). This pilot project is about building upon local strengths and adding what you seem to miss most: better global connectivity and a sense of belonging. Therefore as Pilot Hubs we’ve worked hard to align the membership experience across Impact Hubs with the goal of being able to say: there is one Impact Hub Membership. You still have your Home Hub which is dedicated to personally hosting you, but you now have many “homes-away-from-home”. The experience and support you can expect in any Impact Hub will be the same. You are an Impact Hub member, not “just” an Impact Hub King’s Cross member.
The pilot has three different phases and Phase 1 is just launching. What does Phase 1 mean for you as a Hubber?
- Updated membership model: Our product structure is now globally aligned to be more flexible and give you access to more opportunities (this image makes it clearer). Prices don’t change, but you will get more benefits. Membership of Impact Hub is the base. On top you can buy the services that fit your needs. And you can get services not just from your Home Hub, but also from other Impact Hubs.
- Meet and work in any Impact Hub: If you are a Hubber who travels you can meet up in any local Pilot Impact Hub (and somewhere in 2016, everywhere). If you also have a coworking package, you can now use your coworking time in all Pilot Impact Hubs! If you use over 50% of your time in one other specific Impact Hub, we’ll ask you to get your coworking package in that specific Impact Hub. The only thing you need to do when you travel is say hi to the local host so we can arrange the administrative part without bothering you with it. Not mandatory, but highly recommended, you can go to passport.impacthub.net and check-in before you travel in order to be hosted better.
- Better and more recognisable events: we’ve sourced event best-practices from our network and selected 3 monthly events that will take place in all Pilot Hubs. They link to the value propositions #Inspire, #Connect, #Enable which are central to your membership experience. Are you a member who travels? You will know these events take place in other Impact Hubs and that it will be an easy way for you to connect with the local community.
- Build profile and gain visibility: your Home Hub already gave you quite some visibility. Now we are building global communication channels, which you will be able to access. Not interested in gaining visibility? You will soon start receiving exclusive insightful stories from the global network.
In the second and third phase we will add the following concrete changes for you:
- Virtual business opportunities: currently, Membership is still quite space-centric. By using better virtual platforms we will increase the value proposition for you even if you don’t access the space frequently.
- Access a network of 11’000+ makers: with so many members, so many opportunities for collaboration and/or learning exist for you. We are building a better database of members and improve the way you can search for and connect with other members.
We’re looking forward to test these changes with you and our fellow Pilot Hubs: Belgrade, Berlin, Brno, Bucharest, Geneva, Kuala Lumpur, London King’s Cross, Munich, Ostrava, Prague, Rotterdam, Sao Paulo, Stockholm, Vienna or Zurich. Is the Impact Hub you want to connect with not on that list? We are sure they’ll do their utmost to give you the same experience, but they can’t guarantee it. Yet 🙂