What does co-working mean to you?
“A space to not go crazy by yourself”……”an inspiring space with a steady buzz to keep you motivated”……”community”. The world of work has changed drastically over the last 9 years and Impact Hub has been steadily growing as a global network to meet some of these needs on the way.
Impact Hubs provide everything from the practical day to day, internet, coffee and a safe space to the more intrinsic a community, support and camaraderie that comes from being connected.
We were recently visited by Nick Baker and Sarah Cuddon from BBC Radio 4 who are exploring the world of co-working spaces. In this programme Nick asks is co-working a true workspace revolution? Or is this a kind of “social engineering” which only interests workers in “approved” occupations? Does ethos limit growth? And, most importantly, is co-working offering a brighter working future?
Tune in for more and join the conversation next week Monday 24th March 2014, 11:00am