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What it means to means to be human

WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN: COURSES AND RETREATS AT CHISHOLME INSTITUTE Come and join us for an informal afternoon of talks, films and conversation at Impact Hub King’s Cross. […]

Afternoon Tea

Join us for a midweek treat and a comfortable space in the afternoon where members can come and chat with new members and old favourites. If you're facing any challenges […]

Pre-Marketing Clinic

PRE-MARKETING CLINIC Are you clear on your target audience and how to get their attention? Do you want a feel-good, feel-right marketing strategy? Come to this clinic for recommendations on […]

Six degrees of Separation – Facilitated Networking

Social Enterprise Networking Evening Business in the Community’s arc programme and Impact Hub King’s Cross are joining forces to bring you a ‘Principle Six’ style networking event. The aim, quite simply, is to create as many new partnerships and business opportunities as possible in a short space of time - so it’s a high-energy, faciltated format. There […]

The Environment in Brexit Britain

The Environment in Brexit Britain This is a disorientating moment for the U.K. Sweeping change seems inevitable. Immediate concerns dominate the news and our consciousness - health, trade, education, housing, economic and foreign policy are all in flux. Decisions made across all of these areas will impact on the environment at local, national and international […]

You’ll never work alone – a peer to peer support group

You’ll never work alone – a peer to peer support group You’ll never work alone – a peer to peer support group Join this Impact Hub peer support group and experience how we can help each other overcome work challenges as well as celebrate our successes. Often we are all dealing with similar issues so there […]

Branding clinic

Are you uncertain if your brand is communicating the right messages to your target audience? The Impact Hub King’s Cross Branding clinic is designed to help social enterprises begin to […]

Afternoon tea

Join us for a midweek treat and a comfortable space in the afternoon where members can come and chat with new members and old favourites. If you're facing any challenges or […]